Monthly Archives: April 2011

At the Murphy Beauty College, Deb checks Father’s preparations for Easter.

At the Murphy Beauty College, Deb checks Father's preparations for Easter.

Father James R. Gould [Arlington Diocese]

Easter in Alma: Sister Marysia Weber, RSM and Jesús E. Paredes [Brownsville Diocese]

Easter Sunday in Alma, Michigan: Jesús E. Paredes and Mother Mary Quentin, RSM

Papa and “Our” Eminence!

Two by Paul M. Quay, SJ on “Vocation” from ‘Review for Religious’ (1974)

Paul M. Quay, SJ

God’s Call and Man’s Resonse: Structures for the Analysis of True and False Vocations ……………………………………………………………………………….33 (1974) 1062


Spurious Vocation: The Problem and Suggestions for Solutions …………33 (1974) 1347